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MIRIAM CAMPOS HARRERA URTARRILAK 6. Hator, hator mutil etxera.
Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa eta Nafarroako udaletxeen osaketaren bezperan, Ezker Abertzaleak egoera politikoaren inguruko bere hausnarketa helarazi nahi dio ohar honen bidez euskal jendarteari. Era berean, irekiriko bidean aurrera egiteko bere borondatearen berri eman nahi du Ezker Abertzaleak. Gure herria bakera eramango duen alde anitzeko eta gera ezinezko bideari eusteko itxaropenez beteta dago, in.
AskaGune batean sar egin dezu eta ez zagozulakotz Espainian Zure Adierzpen Askatasuna hemen babestu Izango da Esker Anitz. Jack Bilbo and Kurt Switters. 8220;Los dictadores aterrorizan, los paises desaperecen. La humanidad ha olvidado, triunfa el crimen, pero el Arte fue, es y siempre sera. Whatever I do is wrong. The story of blame is long. Just listen to my song. Like me there are quite a few;. In Russian a great capitalist,.
Martes, 14 de junio de 2011. Kirruli gogoratu dugu, bere bizitza zelakoa izan zen azaldu da , baita ere bere heriotza zelan gertatu zen. Bere lagunak eta berarekin kartzelan egondakoak bertan egon dira Kirruli eta zoritxarrez bera bezala kartzelak eraildako guztiak gogoratu nahi izan dute.
NORG-14395801 Pantxo Belin
Plaza Berri
Plaza Berri, 2-2�
IZT Koop. Elk.
Mikel Corcuera
Martin Ugalde kultur parkea
Andoain, Guipúzcoa, 20140
Campaign to Abolish Torture in Vietnam. Prisoners of Conscience and Rights Defenders. Defenders and Prisoners of Conscience. Perpetrators and Places of Torture. List of Detention Centers in Vietnam. Map of Prisons in Vietnam. Lethal Beatings in Police Custody. Catholic Parishioner Tran Thanh Tien.
Saturday, December 04, 2004. Stop Human Rights Abuses in Darfur, Sudan! Stop Human Rights Abuses in Darfur, Sudan! Over 70,000 people are estimated to have been killed in Darfur, Western Sudan since the conflict erupted in February 2003. 5 million people have been driven from their homes and 200,000 have sought refuge in neighboring Chad, many of them beyond the reach of humanitarian agencies.
עינויים-מנקודת מבטם של אישים ידועים. כנס קולנוע וזכויות אדם בסמינר הקיבוצים. כנס קולנוע וזכויות אדם בסמינר הקיבוצים. שבת, 27 דצמבר, 2014. פגיעה שיטתית במטרות אזרחיות היא פשע מלחמה, גם כשאנחנו היורים.
There are currently 514 documented political prisoners in Bahrain, 116 of them are children. Monday, February 7, 2011. More than 100 people CARE. They care about victims of torture in Bahrain. Whats more amazing is that these people come from 23 different countries. People have clicked their cams and joined this campaign to stand with the activists and children in Bahraini prisons. Thank you all for caring, and spread the word about the campaign.